Nest Changelog


no date



44 added endpoints
Added endpoints


Hello World

GET /users/{userId}/preferences

Get all User’s Preferences

Response Body
  data: record,

PUT /users/{userId}/preferences

Save / updates the user’s preferences for this user

Response Body
  data: record,

POST /auth

Sign in with email address and password

Request Body
  email?: string,
  password?: string,
Response Body


GET /auth/{sessionGuid}

Refresh the token

Response Body


DELETE /auth/{sessionGuid}

Sign out

Response Body


GET /users

Get all users

Response Body


GET /users/{userId}

Get a specific user by id

Response Body


PATCH /users/{userId}

Edit this user

Request Body
  dateBirth: string,
  email: string,
  firstName: string,
  gender: {
    text?: string,
    value?: string,
  height: {
    units?: string,
    value?: number,
  lastName: string,
  nickname: string,
  weight: {
    units?: string,
    value?: number,
Response Body


GET /users/{userId}/family

Get child accounts of this user

Response Body


POST /users/{userId}/family

Request Body
  dateBirth?: string,
  email?: string,
  firstName?: string,
  gender: {
    text?: string,
    value?: string,
  height: {
    units?: string,
    value?: number,
  lastName?: string,
  nickname: string,
  weight: {
    units?: string,
    value?: number,

PUT /users/{userId}/password

Change the password of this user

DELETE /users/{userId}/family/{familyUserId}

GET /plans

Get all Plans

Response Body


POST /plans

Create Plan

Request Body
  amazon: {
    sku?: string,
  image: {
    url?: string,
  name?: string,
  shopify: {
    productId?: string,
    shopId?: string,
  sku: string,
  sortOrder: number,
  stripe: {
    planId?: string,
    productId?: string,
  termFrequency?: number,
  trialDays: number,
Response Body


GET /plans/{id}

Get Plan by id

Response Body


PATCH /plans/{id}

Update Plan

Request Body
  amazon: {
    sku?: string,
  image: {
    url?: string,
  name: string,
  price: {
    currency?: string,
    units?: number,
  shopify: {
    productId?: string,
    shopId?: string,
  sku: string,
  sortOrder: number,
  stripe: {
    planId?: string,
    productId?: string,
  termFrequency: number,
  trialDays: number,
Response Body


GET /plans/{id}/features

Get all Plan’s Features

Response Body


PATCH /plans/{id}/features

Updates the Plan’s features by plan id

Request Body
Response Body


GET /instructors

Get a list of instructors

Response Body


POST /instructors

Create a new instructor

Request Body
  bio: string,
  flags: List<string>,
  image: {
    data?: string,
    filename?: string,
  name?: string,
  user: {
    id?: number,
Response Body


GET /instructors/{id}

Get a specific instructor

Response Body


PATCH /instructors/{id}

Update an existing instructor

Request Body
  bio: string,
  flags: List<string>,
  image: {
    data?: string,
    filename?: string,
  name: string,
  user: {
    id?: number,
Response Body


GET /studios

Get a list of all studios

Response Body


GET /studios/{id}

Get this specific studio

Response Body


GET /features

Get a list of all available features

Response Body


POST /features

Create a new feature

Request Body
  code: string,
  defaultValue: record,
  description: string,
  inputType: string,
  name: string,
  sortOrder: number,
  usedBy: List<string>,
  validation: {
    isNullable: bool,
    maxChoices: number,
    maxLength: number,
    maxValue: number,
    minChoices: number,
    minLength: number,
    minValue: number,
    options: List<string>,
    precision: number,
    regexPattern: string,
Response Body


GET /features/{id}

Get a specific feature

Response Body


PUT /features/{id}

Update an existing feature

Request Body
  code: string,
  defaultValue: record,
  description: string,
  inputType: string,
  name: string,
  sortOrder: number,
  usedBy: List<string>,
  validation: {
    isNullable: bool,
    maxChoices: number,
    maxLength: number,
    maxValue: number,
    minChoices: number,
    minLength: number,
    minValue: number,
    options: List<string>,
    precision: number,
    regexPattern: string,
Response Body


GET /songs

Get a list of songs

Response Body


GET /songs/{id}

Get a specific song

Response Body


GET /songs/{id}/playlists

Get all playlists that contain this song

Response Body


GET /playlists

Get a list of playlists

Response Body


POST /playlists

Create a new playlist

Request Body
  name?: string,
Response Body


GET /playlists/{id}

Get a specific playlist

Response Body


PATCH /playlists/{id}

Update an existing playlist

Request Body
  name?: string,
Response Body


DELETE /playlists/{playlistId}/tracks/{songId}

Delete song from an existing playlist

Response Body


PUT /playlists/{playlistId}/tracks/{songId}

Edit the specific song on this playlist

Response Body


GET /firmware

Get a list of Firmware Updates

Response Body


POST /firmware

Create Firmware Update

Request Body
  appVersions?: {
    android?: {
      maxVersion?: string,
      minVersion?: string,
    ios?: {
      maxVersion?: string,
      minVersion?: string,
    screen?: {
      maxVersion?: string,
      minVersion?: string,
  dateReleased?: number,
  dateRequired?: number,
  name?: string,
  releaseNotes?: string,
  status?: string,
  supportedModels?: List<string>,
  type?: string,
  updateFile?: {
    data?: string,
    filename?: string,
  version?: string,
Response Body


GET /firmware/{id}

Get Firmware Update by id

Response Body


PUT /firmware/{id}

Update Firmware Update

Request Body
  appVersions?: {
    android?: {
      maxVersion?: string,
      minVersion?: string,
    ios?: {
      maxVersion?: string,
      minVersion?: string,
    screen?: {
      maxVersion?: string,
      minVersion?: string,
  dateReleased?: number,
  dateRequired?: number,
  name?: string,
  releaseNotes?: string,
  status?: string,
  supportedModels?: List<string>,
  type?: string,
  updateFile?: {
    data?: string,
    filename?: string,
  version?: string,
Response Body


DELETE /firmware/{id}

Delete Firmware Update

Response Body


GET /brightback/{userId}

Get url for user cancel flow

Response Body
